“Madame de Sévigné” directed by Isabelle Brocard (1h 32min ) in French with English subtitles – film français sous-titré en anglais

Thursday, March 21st, 3pm + 8pm  – Jeudi 21 mars 15h et 20h 

TICKETS: €10 , buy your ticket :   https://www.cinemadebeaulieu.cotecine.fr/


“In the mid-17th century, the Marquise de Sévigné would like to make her daughter a brilliant and independent woman in her own image. But the more she tries to control the young woman’s destiny, the more she alienates her. Mother and daughter experience the throes of a singular and devastating passion, and from this devastation, a major work of French literature will be born.”- Synopsis

Madame de Sévigné is a story showing feminism executed with the means available at the time: one can, for example, either hope for the death of one’s husband and have this wish fulfilled, as with Madame de Sévigné, or decide on an amicable arrangement with one’s spouse and live separately, like Madame de La Fayette, who runs a salon in her home and devotes herself to writing novels. With a bit of resources, luck, and foresight, one manages as best as one can in a world where the rules are set against one’s gender.” – Review

Watch the trailer with English Subtitles: https://vimeo.com/914351267

What is Lost in Frenchlation?

“Cinema is an opening to the world and we open up the world to our cinema » – Experience France’s cinema culture, without the language barrier! Lost in Frenchlation gives the international community access to the best of French cinema by organizing screenings of French films with English subtitles at independent cinemas.

The Cinéma de Beaulieu & Lost in Frenchlation team